The popularity of staking is growing every day. As of the beginning of this year, the volume of assets in cryptocurrency staking reached $6.96 billion, according to Staking Rewards. Projects offering their participants the opportunity to earn in this way are launched daily. However, to attract an audience, offering only passive income opportunities is no longer sufficient. More attention is given to projects that combine a DeFi platform, staking, raffles, and NFTs, such as iSaver.

iSaver is a DeFi platform on the Polygon blockchain that provides its users with various tools for achieving financial success. Firstly, it offers sustainable passive income through staking pools with fixed returns based on the project's tokens, SAV and SAVR. A multi-level referral program allows active platform participants to earn by inviting new users. The platform also hosts monthly SAVR token giveaways for all interested users. Without any investments, you can try your luck in the instant win-win raffle Momento, where tickets are minted through a small Free-To-Play NFT game. And then there are the Avatars... But let's go through everything in order.

iSaver Staking

Let's start by understanding what staking is. Staking is a method of passive income that involves locking up coins for a specific period and receiving rewards in return. To simplify, staking is somewhat like placing funds in a bank deposit account but with a higher interest rate.

iSaver offers staking opportunities for SAV (the platform's native token) and SAVR (the reward token) to earn more SAV. Notably, 1 SAV = 1 USDT, and you can always exchange tokens on the platform.

However, the developers advise users not to part with their coins: holding more SAV will allow the holder to increase their governance efficiency in the future iSaver DAO.

Currently, the platform offers four pools with different token lock-up periods and varying rewards:

iSaver Raffles

Raffles are held on iSaver on a regular basis. Monthly raffles offer the chance to win SAVR tokens, while the instant win-win Momento raffle offers various NFTs and tokens. The best part is that you can get tickets for free. You can mint them by visiting, participating in the PUZZLES mini-game and creating a path of 5 puzzles. You have to click on a puzzle every day and sign all actions in your web3 wallet, e.g. MetaMask.

It's worth discussing the Momento game in more detail. It is a type of instant lottery where you can win tickets, tokens (from the iSaver project and other projects listed on CoinMarketCap), NFTs from the iSaver collection, or NFTs from top collections. The prize pool is indeed very large, and you should take a look at it - or even better, participate in the lottery.

 It's also worth noting that iSaver's smart contracts are built using Chainlink VRF, ensuring the transparency of each raffle. Information about all live, upcoming, and past raffles is available on the project's dashboard:

iSaver Avatars

iSaver Avatars are cute NFT characters existing within the iSaver universe, providing users with even more benefits from interacting with the project's ecosystem. Each Avatar is unique and has a range of characteristics that will influence your success in the future NFT game being developed by the team. However, even now, Avatars can help their holders increase their income or receive other bonuses on the platform.

Each Avatar possesses unique characteristics that are worth discussing in more detail.

For example, you can give your Avatar any name and specify your Telegram username - they will be displayed as traits on your Avatar's page on OpenSea. Additionally, each character has its own birthday, and every year, the Avatar receives a gift from the project on its birthday!

Furthermore, characters have different characteristics, including intelligence, diligence, vitality, psychotype, and genotype. Each Avatar also has hobbies…

Avatars unlock access to 4 Powers: A, B, C and D. Each Power represents a specialized NFT. The Powers will give you a greater impact from your investment and activity on the iSaver platform.

You can learn more about the characters on the website

A total of 12,024 NFTs have been released, with 10,000 available for generation on the platform, and an additional 2,024 are in the Momento prize pool. This means you can not only generate but also win your Avatar!

iSaver Referral System

Another notable feature of the platform is its advanced referral system, which allows rewards up to 10 levels deep for each referrer's invited structure. By inviting friends, every user can increase their iSaver referral rewards and receive up to 100% in SAVR from their referrals' earnings. Additional rewards are also available to referrers who build teams.

The project's plans include listing on DEX and CEX, launching a full-fledged NFT game, and expanding the ecosystem. But it's worthwhile to start your activity on the iSaver platform now, as the project's roadmap includes retro drops for early adopters!

BUILD A TEAM. EARN. WIN. On the DeFi platform on Polygon - iSaver